
Art on ABC's Better With You!

Just wanted to share that my art is on ABC's Better With You!
Watch for it on Wednesday nights at 8:30!


whoops goes the buzzer!

I pulled a Britney and did the deed. Bye hair.

New Pillows

As you probably have seen from the shop that the screened pillows are done! I'm continuing to do more, using those same fabrics but also a few others. Stay tuned! :)


Screen Printing New Pillows!

Here they are!
I've spent a great few hours listening to Frank Sinatra and screening these bird pieces. They are on their way to the sewing machine to be transformed into beautiful pillows. I really love this illustration more now that I see it one color. 
Can't wait till they're finished!
Stay tuned!


Our New Site has gone LIVE!

Please swing by for a peek! Our new site has more products listed and an option to buy off of the site! Stay tuned for new items to be listed shortly! Bark Decor New Site!!!



I've started a new collection here at Bark Decor and the theme is love. What could be better than that?
Products will range from cards to prints. Cards in this collection have been listed in the shop, great for Valentine's Day, Anniversaries, birthdays or just telling someone that you love them. Swing by and take a look.


Winter in Massachusetts

I love the winter and taking photographs!



Bear has to be the best mascot ever. You should see how he sets up those pdf files and let me tell you, he is just mean with an xacto.

Office Battle Who Will Win??

So my two favorite figures have found peace together......how sweet.